It’s hard to miss the fact we’re celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Hanoverian accession and Historic Royal Palaces have a Glorious Georges season at Hampton Court Palace, Kensington Palace and Kew Palace this year.

At Kensington Palace, the King’s State Apartments have been reinterpreted and there’s a focus on 1727-1737 as the years when the palace was most used for entertaining by King George II and Queen Caroline. (She died in 1737 which explains the end to the festivities.)
The Presence Chamber and the Privy Chamber rooms now have crimson silk damask on the walls and French oak flooring. There’s a smell map to scratch-and-sniff as you go between the rooms and don’t miss the opportunity to sit in the throne in the Presence Chamber for photo opportunities.
The William Kent painted ceiling in the Privy Chamber has been cleaned, for the first time in over 50 years, and about 1 tonne of dust was removed from the attic above it! Do also admire the recreation of the Queen’s dynastic portrait hang.
In the Copula Room, there are dancing shadows but the King’s Drawing Room was my favourite room as there are tables with games to get to grips with Georgian gambling.
The Council Chamber has a display of a dress that’s six feet wide (Rockingham mantua) and you can try on some replicas for dressing up fun. Visit in the morning and you can meet the Queen herself as she is dressed by her Lady of the Bedchamber and rival, Henrietta Howard.
When you’re in the King’s Gallery (the last room of this set) do look out of the window and see the statue of William III of Orange, who was the inspiration for Captain Hook in J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan.
Find out more about Kensington Palace.