This week I’m going to Helsinki to be part of the “world’s most tweeting airline” event. It’s happening on Thursday 12 June 2014 and you can follow the fun at the twitter hashtag #finnairtweets.
Last year I attended a Quality Hunters workshop as Finnair have been incredibly innovative in their quest to always improve. There were different workshops about before boarding, on board (the one I attended) and on arrival, and Finnair are now putting many of the suggestions into action.

Aku Varamäki, Finnair’s Social Media Manager, has been training all staff to use twitter and to be brand ambassadors. She explains why here.
I’ll be tweeting loads on Thursday 12 June – nothing new there, you say – and I’ll be using #finnairtweets to share the day with you. Do join in as it’s not just for those attending as there is a chance for everyone involved to win flights for two to Miami.
In case you don’t know, I’m @AboutLondon on twitter and I regularly share interesting news there about London and travel in general. I hope you can join in the fun!
Post-trip edit: See also: Helsinki #finnairtweets